One Day is a heartwarming children's book written by Erin Hendricks and beautifully illustrated by Stacey Bigg. The book follows characters of all ages as they experience every day activities that can cause anxiety, and other big emotions. Throughout the book the characters are reminded that it is normal to have these feelings and that it will be okay.
Through vivid and colorful illustrations, the book takes the reader on a journey of discovery, as they navigate these big feelings and it helps them to understand they are not alone. Others share these big feelings too.
The story is told through simple, yet powerful language that is easy for children to understand and relate too and covers the feelings we have in every day activities from visiting the doctor, to patting a dog in the park, things that may not be as easy as some as it is for others.
'One Day' is a wonderful reminder of the importance of slowing down and it encourages children and people of all ages, to be kind to themselves and believe in themself.
Overall, One Day is a delightful children's book that is perfect for parents and caregivers to read with their little ones. With its beautiful illustrations and heartfelt message, it is sure to become a favorite bedtime story for families everywhere.
You can purchase 'One Day' for you or your loved ones via Amazon